In this exercise you will learn how to add taxonomy terms to an existing vocabulary.
Hover over Structure on the Admin menu then click on Taxonomy.
Click on the dropdown menu to the right hand side of the Topics vocabulary.
Click on Add terms from the list in the dropdown.
Enter a Name for your new taxonomy term, e.g. “Local news”.
Enter a Description (this field is optional).
Click on the Save button at the bottom left of the page.
You will now be back on the Add term page. Add a few more taxonomy terms.
In this exercise you will learn how to add a Page article and categorise it using the Topics vocabulary.
Create a Page (hover over Content on the Admin menu, then click Add content, then select Page).
Add a Title.
Expand the Metadata tab and begin typing in the Topics field. Notice the Topics field is autocomplete and the available terms include only the Topics taxonomy items. The new terms added in the previous exercise should be available.
Select a value from existing taxonomy terms in the Topics field.
Taxonomy fields offer a variety of form widgets to facilitate content management. Some form widgets allow you to select from pre-created categories, while others may allow content editors to create new categories (or taxonomy terms) as they create and manage content.
Taxonomy form widgets are configured by the Site Builder, or the agency that built your website.
The Tag-style form widget allows you to select from pre-created taxonomy terms. The widget allows you to search and select one or more taxonomy terms from large vocabularies. Terms are populated in the form in tag-style and can be easily removed with a mouse. New taxonomy terms cannot be added using this form widget.
The dropdown select form widget allows you to find and select a single taxonomy term. It’s usually used for small-to-medium taxonomy vocabularies featuring only a few terms (up to 10). New taxonomy terms cannot be added using this form widget.
The radio-button select form widget allows you to select a single taxonomy term. It’s usually used for small taxonomy vocabularies featuring only a few terms. New taxonomy terms cannot be added using this form widget.
The checkboxes select form widget allows you to select one or more taxonomy terms. It’s also usually used for small taxonomy vocabularies featuring only a few terms. New taxonomy terms cannot be added using this form widget.
The autocomplete text form widget allows you to find and select terms from existing taxonomy terms or create new terms. This widget can be used for large taxonomies, such as Tags.